Guru supports your major economic development workflows with integrated, cutting-edge features.
Introducing GIS WebTech’s Guru Canada!

Great news for Canadian economic developers!
In April GIS WebTech announced the launch of Guru, the most advanced GIS technology ever built for economic development. In July we followed that up with the launch of Guru Rural, the first technology purpose-built for rural economic development.
We’ve done it again! Announcing Guru Canada, the first online site selection technology designed for the unique needs of Canadian economic developers!

Layer Showing Workforce Participation Rate in Ontario
How is Guru Canada different than the U.S. version?
Like our U.S. version, Guru Canada is built on the Esri platform so Canadian economic developers will enjoy all the same advanced features only available in our Guru technology. But Guru Canada includes data unique to Canada: Canadian demographics, Canadian workforce data, and Canadian infrastructure data. Nearby is an example: workforce participation rate data for Ontario.
What are some of the advanced features in Guru Canada?
The list of advanced features only available in our Guru technology is a long one! To give you a sense of how advanced the technology is, here are a few examples of what you can do quickly and easily with Guru Canada, all of which require no GIS expertise and no specialized training in GIS: add free 3D spec buildings to properties, so you can showcase each site’s highest-value use cases; host comprehensive virtual site visits; add local data, such as a local industry cluster, by simply dragging a spreadsheet onto the map; and add zoning, land use, infrastructure and other data layers from your local government and utility GIS departments with just a few clicks.
Does Guru Canada come in a rural version?
Yes! Just as in the U.S., Guru Canada comes in a version specifically designed for the needs of rural economic developers.
We use one of the older technologies. Is it difficult to switch?
Not at all! So many economic developers have switched to GIS WebTech from older technologies over the last few years that we’ve automated part of the process! Guru is so easy to set up that our team can have your installation up and running in a few hours. Have months left on your contract with a legacy provider? No worries! We have many clients who were in a similar situation. Contact me and I will explain how we can help.
We have never used an online site selection technology and I have no GIS training. It must be difficult to use a technology that is so advanced.
It is easy! One of the great things about technology is that it generally gets easier to use as it matures, and GIS is no exception. Guru is the latest technology and was designed specifically for ease of use by economic developers with no particular training in GIS…and for businesses and site selectors who come to your website looking for information.
I am going to redesign my website and branding. Should I wait until that is done to make the switch to Guru Canada?
No need to wait to get the benefits of the latest technology! We will set up Guru Canada now using your current website and branding, then reconfigure Guru Canada at no charge when your new website and new branding are ready. You get the benefits of economic development’s best technology immediately, without having to wait, and we don’t charge you twice for configuration.
Is Guru expensive?
Nope! Another great thing about technology is that costs generally decline over time. So, Guru Canada is more affordable than the older apps it replaces!
We’d love to show you how Guru Canada makes your job easier. Just contact me ( or Courtney Bridger (