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Enterprise Florida Partners with GIS WebTech

GIS WebTech was recently selected as the new online site selection technology partner for Enterprise Florida, a public-private partnership between Florida’s business and government leaders and the principal economic development organization for Florida. Enterprise Florida is regarded as a premier global economic development organization and widely recognized for its leadership in the sector.
Florida was the first state to place principal responsibility for economic development, international trade, and related activities in the hands of a public-private partnership. Driving the effort was the belief that, with hands-on participation by Florida businesses, Florida could move from its traditional economic drivers of tourism and agriculture to a sophisticated mix of industries and international business. This model has since been adopted by many U.S. states, and Enterprise Florida’s success has played a key role in helping to diversify and grow the Florida economy.
So, how did Enterprise Florida select GIS WebTech? Enterprise Florida executed a rigorous, months-long process designed to identify the GIS technology that would deliver the most accurate and highest-quality data, the most advanced functionality, and the best user experience – all designed to keep businesses and site selectors engaged. Enterprise Florida was likewise seeking a company that would be a trusted partner in a close and productive working relationship.
The result? GIS WebTech stood alone as the selection committee’s unanimous choice. Enterprise Florida’s choice of GIS WebTech as their technology partner speaks volumes about our company and our technology. GIS WebTech is the fastest-growing provider of technology for economic development for a simple reason: we make economic development organizations more effective.
It is a great pleasure to welcome Enterprise Florida to the rapidly-expanding GIS WebTech network, and our entire team looks forward to working closely with them and all our customers to continue to provide the most advanced technology available to economic developers!
If you’d like to learn more about our company and our technology, please drop me a note at